Grow Your Small Business With Cloud Managed Services in 2019
February 6th, 2015 | 6 min. read

When it comes to growing your small business, have you ever considered cloud managed services as a way to increase revenue and drive more sales?
Maybe you haven’t heard of cloud managed services or unfamiliar with what exactly these services are.
You might not know that the out of all the technology used to assist small businesses, the cloud is undoubtedly one of the most innovative and practical developments in recent history.
The ability to share documents, files, software and more across multiple computers and platforms has changed the game for many small business owners hoping to make a splash in an ultra-competitive market.
Before we go into growing your small business by using cloud managed services, let’s first go over what cloud managed services are.
Cloud managed services are part of IT outsourcing for cloud-based services and technical support that help to automate and improve your business operations.
Partnering with managed IT services providers that specialize in cloud managed services can assist your business with the following:
- Cloud security management
- Computing
- Storage
- Network operations
- Software and application installation and training
- Vendor management
- Monitoring and reporting
- Performance testing
- Backup and disaster recovery support
- Attract new customers
If you are considering utilizing the cloud to assist your small business, here are some of the top reasons how cloud managed services can grow your business and take it to the next level.
Forbes recently published an article on Managed IT services and how these services pair with cloud infrastructures. Read more, here.
Cloud Managed Services: Growing Your Small Business
Growing your small business isn’t always a walk in the park, and there are probably many obstacles you’ve had to overcome in the process.
To make it a little easier, read some helpful ways on how cloud managed services support small business growth and long-term success.
Cloud Managed Services Allows Your Company to Compete
One of the many problems that small businesses face daily is the issue of competing with larger corporations and businesses not just locally but around the world.
Since most business software is costly and sometimes difficult to implement, the cloud managed services allow smaller companies to purchase this critical software at a more reasonable price.
With so much helpful business software found on the cloud, your company can finally compete with more prominent brands that can afford applications to help you make more of a presence in your market, especially compared to your competitors.
Cloud migration is also the first step in future proofing your business data center. By doing so, you’ll then need to make the most popular and common technology and services available to your employees.
By partnering with a cloud solutions team, your in-house IT staff won’t have to spend any more of their time training when a new technology or required upgrade is released. Cloud technicians are continually preparing to manage new or updated technology trends and software.
Predictable Monthly Costs
Believe it or not, cloud managed services helps you save money by giving you a predictable and anticipated budget each month.
With the flexibility of cloud managed services, you are in control of what you spend and the amount of money you’re dedicating for IT services.
Some managed services providers (MSP) might also let you pick and choose which type of cloud services you’re interested in, allowing you to stray away from unwanted services that can hike up your monthly outsourcing bill.
To learn more about managed IT services, read our blog, What is Managed IT Services? How to Tell If You Need Them.
Have you ever heard of companies charging customers different amounts for services depending on the time of year? Think about a tax services company.
A tax service company might spike their service fees during tax season, merely because they know customers need them more in March and April than any other time throughout the year.
Once tax return season is over, the tax companies might reduce the amount they charge for specific services because they simply aren’t getting the volume of customers previously during those busy tax months.
With a fixed monthly service plan that’s customized to fit your specific business needs or budget, you’re able to optimize the amount you pay monthly, for cloud managed services.
Automation and Strong Infrastructure of Cloud Platforms
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, we’re betting that the use of automation at your business (in any form) always seems to help get the job done quicker!
The use of automation through a cloud-based data center has enabled small businesses to tackle their most time-consuming and challenging jobs—sometimes with just the click of a mouse.
Automation helps small businesses handle their entire IT systems with one management engine, increasing productivity and monitoring workloads.
With small businesses able to access data centers and utilize big data management solutions, the cloud can help companies of all sizes, even small, operate more efficiently.
Many managed IT services companies offer cloud managed solutions that allow around-the-clock management.
Depending on the contract or service agreement, a cloud managed services provider can monitor and scan the network for security requirements, software updates, and more.
A strong infrastructure comes in handy for all businesses, especially when it has to do with keeping your networks and devices safe from online hackers.
Manage Security and Disaster Recovery
Speaking of network safety, cloud managed services play a huge role in maintaining safe online networks, as well as taking preventative measures in case a disaster strikes your company.
Unfortunately, it’s becoming more and more common for online hackers to obtain access to your business’ systems and private customer files, leaving you in the middle of a horrible security breach.
Cybercriminals don’t discriminate when it comes to which business they attack. If any part of your technology systems is unsecured or unprotected in any way, your business is at risk.
A great cloud managed services team protects your data at all times. It’s their job to monitor and control all of your technology infrastructures to prevent any cyber-criminal activity from occurring.
In the terrible event of a disaster, partnering with a cloud managed services team can ensure you’ll have minimal downtime and can even reduce the costs associated with a data breach or natural disaster.
We know that when it comes to your small business, you want the best—and you’re willing to do what it takes to continue on your path of growth and success.
Cloud managed services are one great way to grow your small business, while also cutting down on costs, increasing efficiency, and protecting your important business and existing customer files.
Learn more about network security by reading our blog, Network Security Issues: 10 Tips to Keep Your Business Secure.
For more information on everything to do with Managed IT Services, check out our resource page, here.
At AIS, we strive to be a company that not only provides you with business technology services but also providing you with valuable resources and tools to help enhance business plans and increase growth. If you’re interested in learning more about cloud managed services, managed IT services, and any other products or services we provide, reach out to one of our business technology consultants, here. Also, check out our channel on YouTube, The Copier Channel. We’re here to give you peace of mind to help you win more business.
Mo is the resident IT go-to lady at AIS. She has traveled the world, run a marathon, is a self-proclaimed crossword champion, and can do ventriloquism. She has an uncanny memory ....down to the detail. She has completed 4 half marathons and hates running. In her free time, she likes to spend time with her 7 siblings and 20 nieces and nephews.