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Managed IT Services


Everything you need to know about Managed IT Outsourcing

Time to Read: 23 min | Audience: C-Level Management | Last Updated: January 2020

General Info

Surpassing Your Goals

Managed IT Services is a fundamental way to advance your business technology solutions by outsourcing the day-to-day management of your office technology devices and infrastructures.

Managed IT Services:

  • Saves employees time
  • Saves businesses money
  • Allows remote monitoring for a safer network
  • Integrates updated technology with subject matter experts
  • Supports customization for specific business models

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FREE eBook: Ultimate Buyer's Guide to Managed IT Services

What is Managed IT Services?

Services That Revolutionize Providing Support You Need

Before you learn about the benefits of managed IT services, it's important to understand what these services are and how they can work hand-in-hand with your current office technology devices. Managed IT services are designed to support:

  • Specific tasks
  • Job functions
  • Business goals

Read about what Managed IT Services are and how to tell if your business needs them

What is Managed IT Services

Managed It Services & Your Business Goals

What Goals Are Set In Place? Matching Business Needs With Managed IT

It’s pretty remarkable what a great managed IT service company can do for your business, and we’re eager to give you the scoop on how managed IT goes hand-in-hand with your business reaching its goals.

When it comes to managed IT services and how these can better your business, you might want to stop what you’re doing and consider this:

  • Managed IT services can significantly free up the time you waste on a day-to-day basis so you can focus on more pressing tasks
  • Managed IT services can help you reach your business goals much sooner than you might be aware of
  • Managed IT services can keep your important documents safe and secure, preventing cyber attacks from taking over your business
  • You can save company dollars by hiring a managed IT service provider to service your technology needs

Read through our business goals and determine which ones are most important to you, and how these goals pair with Managed IT Services, here

Managed IT Services & Your Business Goals

Is Your Business at Risk Without Managed It Services

Your Business Could Be In Trouble. You Don't Know What You Don't Know

We can all agree that the more you know about your business, the better of you are... right? Did you know your company is at a higher risk of cybersecurity attacks when you don’t outsource your IT department?

Using managed IT services for all of your company’s technology needs not only helps keep your files and data more secure, but it also allows you to focus your time on more important and pressing tasks.

Without managed IT services, your company could face some of these challenges:

  • Uncontrolled spending 
  • An unsecured network
  • Lack of professional/qualified experience 
  • No disaster recovery plan 
  • Wasting time "fixing" issues on your own 
  • The downfall old technology 
Even if you think you’re doing a great job at managing your company’s IT department, there may be some things you're forgetting to keep track of. Read more about these challenges, here

Support Solutions

Solutions That Work

Easier Ways To Solve Your Problems

Any managed IT services company can provide your business with solutions to solve problems. But how do you know those solutions are right for your specific line of work or the industry you're in? Any business can make an enticing claims when it comes to managing your IT—all you have to do is believe them.

We're here to provide you with information on the best solutions for you, no matter what type of work your business does. Some of these solutions include:

  • Backing up your information and documents daily (to multiple locations or drives) to help with disaster recovery or business continuity
  • Patching and upgrading applications for security measures
  • Continual monitoring of your network and phone systems
  • Employee troubleshooting that’s time-consuming, preventing your IT staff from focusing on improving your business
  • Lack of time to research new technology, much less the times it takes to install and implement it
  • Managing, maintaining, and upgrading network infrastructure and management systems
  • Supporting remote offices (remote data backup and printing) and employees that work out of multiple offices of your business
  • Finding staff with the skills your business needs to succeed – much less the need to provide continual education on the technology products your company uses
IT Support

The 10 Most Common IT Problems for Businesses

IT Problems You Can Fix On Your Own. IT Issues That Continue To Show Up

Computer problems and technology issues are bound to happen, even if you have an experienced IT team. It’s a smart idea to teach yourself some basic IT support skills that could potentially help you solve your most common IT problems.

Learn about the most common IT issues, such as: 

  • Poor (or nonexistent) network security
  • Lack of professional or qualified experience
  • The downfall of old technology
  • No data backup
  • Poor judgement of online safety 
The 10 Most Common IT Problems for Businesses

How to Find the Best Managed IT Services Near Me

The Search Is Over. Choosing The Best Company 

Don’t let the thought of someone else managing your computer systems and databases scare you. You’d be surprised how much work a managed IT services company can take off your plate, and the peace of mind you’ll get knowing your office technology is in great hands.

You'll know when you come across a great managed IT services company when they advertise top components, such as:

  • Responsiveness
  • Certainty 
  • Security
  • Growth and analytics monitoring 
How to Find the Best Managed IT Services Near Me

Small Business

Small Business, Big Power

Learn Easy Ways To Grow 

If you've never connected the dots of managed IT services to small business growth, now is the time! There's o much unexplored opportunity when it comes to your small business and the services managed IT can provide. Managed IT services can help your small business out in more ways than one, as well as taking the stress from you when it comes to ensuring your business is growing and advancing in the best ways possible. A managed IT services team is not just a provider, they are your business partner.

In this section, you learn some great ways managed IT and SMBs go together, such as: 

  • Budgeting 
  • Expertise
  • Availability 
  • Time to resolution
  • Security 
Support - Small Business, Big Power

How Managed IT Services Increase SMB Growth

Your SMB Could Be Small, Yet Mighty. Growing Pains in Unexpected Ways

Did you ever think about the business growth you could see by using managed IT services? Growing pains are a great problem to have, but with your small business growing faster than ever, comes increased demands for specific departments of your company, such as managed IT services.

As you and your employees become busier, you’ll probably have less time to devote to managing your IT infrastructure. And trust us, neglecting your company’s technology is never a good idea.

Learn some important reasons why managed IT services help the growth of your small business and how these services are vital in accomplishing your ever-growing list of business goals. 

Accelerate SMB Growth with Managed IT Services

Grow Your Small Business With Cloud Managed Services in 2019

More Cloud, More Money, The cloud accelerates your business growth

We know that when it comes to your small business, you want the best—and you’re willing to do what it takes to continue on your path of growth and success. Cloud managed services are one great way to grow your small business, while also cutting down on costs, increasing efficiency, and protecting your important business and existing customer files.

Cloud managed services are part of IT outsourcing for cloud-based services and technical support that help to automate and improve your business operations. Partnering with managed IT services providers that specialize in cloud managed services can assist your business with the following:

  • Security management
  • Computing
  • Storage
  • Network operations
  • Software and application installation and training

To read the full list, click here

Grow Your Small Business With Cloud Managed Services in 2019

Pricing & Costs

Invest for the Future

Outsourcing IT And Your Budget

As you research different managed IT service providers online, are you struggling to understand how much you should be paying for the services and features you need? Of course, the pricing for IT outsourcing services varies by company, and by the specific services your business wants or needs. The best solution is to fully understand what IT services will benefit your business the most, and how these services can even save you money later on down the road.

Spend some time learning some of the best reasons managed IT services can help with your budget, by preventing certain expensive issues from occurring, such as a data breach or cyberattack. 

Invest For The Future

How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost?

It's All About The Benjamins . Pricing Models of Managed IT Services

Managed service providers (MSPs)  have a variety of pricing models, so you want to make sure that when requesting proposals, you understand each model to compare costs and pick the best one for your business. There are three different MSP pricing models to choose from:

  • Flat based fee / All-you-can-eat
  • Per user
  • Per device

Invest some time to learn about these different pricing models to make sure you understand what each provider is proposing to you, what the services are, and all of the costs, so you can make a smart buying decision. You want to pick the best price and what’s right for your business.

How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost?

Managed IT Services & Features: is the Price Right

Not All Pricing Is The Same. Only Pay For The Services You Need

Before you can evaluate the pricing models of managed IT services, you must first become familiar with the IT services and features your company needs. Every company is different. Depending on the type of work your business does has a lot to do with the individualized services you might want or need. What types of managed IT services does your business need? Read about pricing associated with managed IT by reviewing specific features, such as: 

  • Virus protection
  • Labor
  • Email
  • Network monitoring 
  • Vendor management 
  • Virtual CIO (vCIO)
  • Data and storage backup
  • Compliance
  • Security 
Managed IT Services: the Price is Right

The 7 Hidden Costs of a Data Breach

Protecting Your Business. How Much Can You Afford To Lose? 

Many costs associated with a data breach are ones you might not immediately think of, or could even be ones you don’t see at first, such as the financial impact of losing valuable customer data and information.
The focus on a data breach is most associated with the direct costs that are hitting your business. However, this is sometimes blinding and doesn’t allow you to look at all the little costs that come with a data breach.

Learning about all the costs of a data breach is an important step to take, with or without a managed IT services partner. 

IT Outsourcing: The TOP 7 Hidden Costs of a Data Breach

Outsourcing Solutions

You're Too Busy

Let an expert handle your IT

If you've been stuck managed your company's IT needs for the past five years, it's time to make the switch to outsourcing. You've got a lot on your plate, and your business is growing at a pace that's hard to keep up with. Let a managed IT services company do the hard work for you. Their outsourcing solutions are designed for businesses like yours, with experts who know the best solutions for your business, employees, and customers. 

Learn some of the best ways a managed IT services team can provide you with the solutions your business needs, such as:

  • Saving you time
  • Saving you money
  • Remote system monitoring
You're Too Busy

How Can It Outsourcing Services Help My Business

Everyone Could Use A Little Help. Give Your Business The Tools It Needs

IT outsourcing manages your day-to-day tasks and information technology needs of your business, simply by taking these needs out of your hands and outing them in the hands of experts. When it comes to your business and the goals you wish to accomplish, outsourcing your technology not only makes more time to focus on more important and pressing tasks— but, it helps support the growth and sustainability of your business.

There's challenging that come with managing your own IT that a MSP can easily help you with, such as:

  • Network
  • Growth
  • Strategy
  • Security
  • Compliance
Outsourcing - Worry Less with AIS

How to Choose the Best Managed IT Services Provider

Finding The Best Partner. A Provider Who Understands Your Goals

There are so many managed IT companies out there and it’s hard to choose the one that you think will perform the best for your specific needs. However, not all managed IT service providers are the same and they certainly don’t all offer the same services. You want a managed IT services team that shows your company IT leadership to help the continued success of your business.

Read some key factors you should consider when making your decision, such as:

  • Credibility
  • Reliability of services
  • Ability to innovate
  • Planning for future projects
This Way, That Way, The Other Way

Features & Benefits

Tools for Success

How Your IT Can Benefit Your Business

Managed IT services is a wonderful way to outsource the day-to-day management of your business’ information technology needs. Not only do managed IT services free up your schedule so you can focus your time on your important work tasks, but it also helps encourages business growth and development. Essentially, a managed services provider (MSP) is your managed IT services department. A managed IT team proactively manages information technology assets on behalf of your business. This differs from traditional IT which is more of a “when-needed” service.

Managed IT services helps prevent your IT infrastructure from breaking or malfunctioning – providing you and your employees with continual access to the tools needed to do your specific jobs. Partnering with a managed IT services provider also allows small and medium-sized businesses to have more peace of mind when it comes to the safety and security of their network.

Tools For Success

Top 5 Benefits of Managed IT Services

You're In Control. Benefits That You Can Track and Monitor

As you probably know, Managed IT services helps prevent your IT infrastructure from breaking or malfunctioning – providing you and your employees with continual access to the tools need to do your specific jobs.  Even though you'll be outsourcing, you're still in control of what you spend and how you spend it. Now, you and your managed IT team can closely work together to monitor and track the services you're using. 

Get to know the benefits of managed IT services, like:

  • Managed IT services saves you time 
  • You're in control of what you spend
  • Up-to-date technology 
Uncover the Benefits of Managed IT Services

Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Managed Services

Rely On The Cloud. Explore Safe and Easy Solutions 

Without exploring different services available to promote growth, such as cloud managed services, you may be putting your company and employees at a disservice. Without managing your cloud services, your business is at risk of security threats, data loss, and the costly downtime that follows. Cloud managed services are outsourcing services to help manage your daily IT needs. These services are designed to automate and enhance your business operations.

Learn more on cloud-based services, by reading our article

Cloud Services: The Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Managed Services

How Can a vCIO Benefit Your Business?

A New and Improved CIO. Outsourcing Your Most Needed Employee

Ever heard of a Virtual CIO, or vCIO? a vCIO is a consultant, third-party, or business that offers a service (a part-time person) to fulfill the role as a conventional CIO. This service helps businesses that can’t afford the salary and benefits for a full-time executive but has the forethought to take advantage of someone in this role.

A vCIO typically works remotely and provides support in the following areas:

  • Technology road-mapping
  • Formulating strategic IT goals
  • Vendor management
  • Planning an IT budget
  • IT expertise and leadership
How Can a vCIO Benefit Your Business in 2019

Tips & Tricks

The More You Know

Learn the best ways to face your IT head-on

Basic IT skill could seem a little more like common sense, but hear us out. Technology is growing at a rapid pace, and even if you think you're up-to-date on the latest tech trends and products, chances are—you're not. It used to be easy to grow with technology, but nowadays, it's virtually impossible. 

The more you learn about the technology your business is using, the better outcomes you'll see, and typically, the less problems you'll have. 

The More You Know: Technical Support

The 4 Steps of Clear Communication

The Lost Power of Communication. Closing The Gap Between Your IT And You

We challenge you to look at any list of why IT projects fail, and we can promise you’ll find “miscommunication” or “lack of communication” as one of the reasons on the list. Unclear communication probably isn’t a huge revelation to you. However, you’d be surprised to learn how large the communication gap is between you and your managed IT services team. Even if you don't use a managed IT services company to help with your IT needs, the communication between you and your IT department still needs to be a high priority that you and your employees continue to grow every day.

Follow along as we walk you through the easy and quick steps in re-establishing clear communication methods using managed IT services. 

Managed IT Services: The 4 Steps of Clear Communication

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