Temperature Scanning: Why is it Important for my Business?
June 23rd, 2020 | 9 min. read

Now that our cities and states are beginning to open up, business owners are trying to figure out how to protect their customers, guests, and visitors from the spread of COVID-19.
Wouldn’t it be easy if we all had a “contagious disease” handbook to guide us with recommendations on successful measures and strategies to protect our customers?
Temperature scanning has recently become very popular and can play an essential role in your business—along with other safety integrations for your patrons.
Let’s take a look at businesses opening up from your customer’s perspective. We (I’m a consumer too) all want to get back to normal, and that means visiting your business or location, granted it’s safe to do so.
Based on the information in the news and social media, only those businesses that are taking the proper precautions to protect their patrons will be more successful than those that don’t.
What Is Temperature Scanning?
Due to COVID-19, one of the best ways to know if someone may be infected with the virus is first to identify if they have an elevated body temperature or fever. This information can be easily collected by using a temperature scanner.
It can be done without ever touching the individual just by taking a quick reading of their skin temperature. The entire process, which is passive and nonevasive, can take less than a few seconds, and you can obtain an accurate reading of their body temperature within 0.5 F.
Temperature scanning is fast, contactless, safe, and easy to use for both the business user and customers.
The technology uses thermal video and infrared imaging sensors bundled with facial recognition software. This software helps identify the location to take a reading of the individual’s skin, typically the forehead, to capture their temperature.
This process is much more effective in capturing temperature readings in real-time of many individuals when compared to the manual process of taking a person’s temperature from their inner ear or using a thermometer.
Let’s compare this touchless and automated temperature scanner with an in-person temperature scanner taken by an individual.
With an in-person scanner, each time a temperature reading is taken, the device comes in contact with a person’s skin. It then needs to be disinfected after each use. This is not an effective method of gathering temperatures of an even flow of visitors or customers arriving at a business.
In fact, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has recently approved the use of thermographic systems to triage COVID-19 patients and a variety of other business applications. See the article, FDA greenlights telethermographic systems’ use for COVID-19 triage.
Temperature Scanning System: Hardware and Software-Defined
A temperature screening system includes hardware and software that can quickly and easily identify the face of an individual and measure their skin temperature without every touching the subject.
This technology has become very popular with a variety of different businesses, small and large, as a security and safety measure. These businesses include:
- Medical Offices, Hospitals, Outpatient Centers, and Emergency Rooms
- Legal Firms
- Restaurants and Bars
- Retail Stores and Malls
- Office Buildings
- Event Spaces and Venues
- Hotels and Resorts
- Casinos
- Schools and Universities
Oh, and by the way, this technology appears like it’s going to be around for a while. Many indicators show that this may be our new normal of providing this added protection to our customers, visitors, and employees.
What Makes A Good Temperature Screening System?
The Hardware: A typical Temperature Screening System is comprised of one specialized piece of hardware. The temperature scanner is usually made of one or more high-quality video cameras to capture an individual's image in front of the device.
They also must include some type of thermal or infrared sensors to measure the individual’s temperature. Some temperature scanners come with a screen integrated into one device, a little larger than a smartphone and smaller than a full-size tablet.
Speakers on the hardware are also used to provide feedback to the administrator and user of results in the form of audible alerts and alarms.
Devices with screens are fully automated so an individual can recognize themselves as they approach the scanner. A user can adjust their position (they can see a video of him or herself), making this a wholly contactless and automated temperature screening process.
The Software: Temperature scanners integrated with image capturing and facial recognition software can quickly recognize the outline of an individual that approaches the system or kiosk. The scanner can then record the temperature from specific points on a user's face.
It's important to know that most temperature scanning systems can measure hundreds of data points on a person’s face. All of this happens in a few seconds.
The hardware provides video input and sensor readings to the software processor and analyzes the data. The software then provides feedback to the administrator and the user. Alerts and alarms are also administered by email and even text.
Depending on the hardware and software capabilities, some Temperature Scanning and Screening Systems can be ADA-compliant (American Disabilities Act) for the storage and recording of information and meet HIPAA compliance standards in their ability to encrypt and secure the transmission of any data recorded by the system.
Add-ons: When comparing Temperature Scanners and Screening systems, you may find additional features and options that include integrations, facial recognition platforms, visitor & employee database applications, and even facility security ACS (access control systems) to control access. Make sure you understand the industry compliance requirements and laws when implementing additional features and options for these types of programs.
Before purchasing a Temperature Scanner or Screening System, make sure to review the manufacturer’s warranty for both hardware and software, so you have protection for both.
Some manufacturers offer extended warranties, and you may want to get a full understanding of any future costs for software updates, licensing, and technical support. Its always good to know all your expenses when implementing a new program for your business.
Keep in mind, you’ll benefit best when partnering with a local provider for your temperature scanning device as opposed to the manufacturer—especially in terms of quick installation, continued support, and troubleshooting.
Why is Temperature Scanning Important For My Business?
Now that you have a better understanding of what makes a great Temperature Screening System let’s dive deeper into why you should implement this technology for your business.
- Protection: Protect your customers, staff, and visitors by implementing a temperature scanner and screening process at each of your locations to quickly identify individuals with elevated body temperature or fever to separate them from the rest. This ensures the health and safety of those individuals at your workplace who are healthy.
- Piece of Mind: With a temperature scanner and screening system, you can feel more comfortable with this added level of protection that your workplace is safe for everyone there.
- Care & Safety: Show your customers, visitors, and employees that you are interested in their health and well being. This mindset alone is enough to invest in it now and in the future.
- Confidence: Businesses that establish temperature screening systems as an essential routine of their daily operations will provide added assurance to customers and employees to frequent that business more often.
- Convenience: Automated temperature scanners and screening systems are fast and touchless. These systems require very little interaction by individuals, so your business can add this safety precaution with a minimal business interruption.
The Final Word on Temperature Scanning
Businesses that move quickly to adopt Temperature Scanning as part of their overall Temperature Screening System will be at the forefront of providing these necessary precautions, and a safe and comfortable environment for their patrons.
These devices could also help you differentiate your business from the competition before they become mainstream, as we have seen other countries and their organizations adopt this technology as a normal way of conducting business.
AIS is a leader in providing technology solutions to businesses to generate more business or increase profits. If you are interested in learning more about Temperature Scanning and Screening Systems or would like to have a conversation about how you can put technology to work for your business, contact us using our Contact Us form. We’re here to give you peace of mind to help you win more business.
Over the last 20+ years, Keven has had a passion in all areas of traditional and digital marketing. His main focus is how the consumer or decision makers see brands in order to develop successful programs to meet them on their turf. Prior to AIS, Keven has held senior marketing and communication posts in Financial Services, Technology, Communications, Biotech, and Lead Generation industries from start-ups to privately held and public companies. Today, he’s building a team to support the growth of AIS to become a leading brand in office technology. When not working, Keven can be found hacking his house, life, and those around him to make everything around him a better world. He volunteers his time as a Board Member for United States Diving and Ad Fontes Media.