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What Is The Importance of a Quarterly Business Review (QBR)?

January 27th, 2025 | 4 min. read

By Marissa Olson


As a business owner or sales consultant, your quarterly business review (QBR) is a critical tool that helps bridge the gap between your customers, your products purchased, and your company. 

But what exactly does it do for you—as the customer? What are the benefits of partnering with a company that conducts QBRs? How can these meetings help support the needs of your business and employees? 

A quarterly business review is effective if the business and client understand its importance. It also helps if the right people attend the QBR to contribute effectively to the discussions and influence decisions based on the outcomes of the QBR.

If you are unsure about the importance of a QBR about your organization’s needs, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn why partnering with a company that holds QBRs is an essential tool that ensures collaboration and overall growth within your company. 

What is a Quarterly Business Review, and Why is it Important?

In simple terms, a quarterly business review is a once-per-quarter meeting between a vendor (such as an office technology provider like us) and their customer. During a QBR, both parties discuss how the vendor supports the customer’s business and how they can better support their business and employees.

For example, during our QBR with our customers, we go over things such as:

  • The current state of our customer’s technology products

  • Any recent changes in their business that affect their technology devices or services, such as expanding their team or adding a new location.

  • Review their IT roadmap to assess where we are with current projects and deadlines.
    Related Article: Managed IT Services: The Key to a Successful IT Roadmap.
  •  Addressing any inconsistencies or setbacks in their partnership with us

We’ve briefly outlined below some of the main reasons we believe so much in quarterly business reviews with our customers and how these one-on-one meetings grow the relationship and partnership we share with them. 

1. Strengthen Relationships With Customers

More times than not, once a deal is signed, the communication between the sales rep and the customer begins to fizzle out. We’re a little different at AIS, and holding a QBR is one of the things that sets us apart.

We don’t see our customers solely as deals but as more of a long-term partnership. One of the best ways to ensure continual growth with our clients is by holding a quarterly business review.

A quarterly business review is a critical customer relationship management strategy we’ve implemented for years. These meetings help us identify what’s working and what’s not, allow us to review your work, and map out your strategies for success.  

2. Review Specific Goals Of The Organization

While your monthly reports review progress made within the month, a QBR helps you review your progress in line with your annual or overall goals. A QBR ensures your teams work towards the same outcomes and solutions—specific to your business needs. 

A quarterly business review helps you see where you are, identify performance gaps, and develop strategies to put you back on your roadmap. From your QBR, you can determine the changes you need to make in your blueprint to achieve your set goals.

3. Keeping Focus: Set and Reset Goals

During your QBR, you discuss your business health openly and how your vendor can contribute to maintaining or improving that status. 

At AIS, we help our customers develop a different viewpoint from their initial onboarding meetings, as goals and projects are constantly changing. You may also need to reset plans depending on the business environment. 

If, for instance, you were working with a company with an on-site working model, they may have reconsidered and begun a hybrid working model with some employees working remotely and others working on-site. If you offer IT services like us, you might need to reset your cybersecurity goals to cover remote and on-site devices.

Related Article: Working From Home (WFH): Office Technology You Never Knew You Needed

4. Celebrate Successes and Achievements 

From a vendor standpoint, your communication more often involves giving recommendations, informing stakeholders about changes in the industry, or setting priorities. You rarely get platforms to discuss your wins and celebrate them—right? 

We use part of our QBR meetings to highlight small successes that we sometimes tend to overlook in our annual reports with our customers. This could be something like a low-cost campaign with a high ROI. 

When we both identify and celebrate these successes, we increase your chances as a company to boost your overall performance in other areas, too.

5. Identify and Analyze Challenges

We can all agree that large or small challenges affect your overall performance. However, most businesses overemphasize areas without challenges and fail to analyze the challenges that can impact their performance. 

Some of the challenges may be due to issues out of your control. Nevertheless, discussing them helps everyone to understand how they limit you and analyze ways of circumventing them. When you acknowledge your challenges, you can better brainstorm solutions with that particular vendor. 

6. Discover New Opportunities

As a customer, you may have contracted a vendor like us to handle one aspect of your business, such as repairing and maintaining your IT systems and devices. 

As you brainstorm the best IT solutions to maximize your uptime, your vendor should understand that you suffer frequent downtimes because they lack a data backup policy.

You may invest in a company’s data storage and recovery team based on your discussions. A QBR aims to ensure you find value in the products and services you invest in each month. 

The Final Say: The Importance of A Quarterly Business Review 

What we really like about a QBR is that it benefits both the customer and the vendor. A one-on-one quarterly meeting allows both parties to connect and learn how the vendor can better support the customer and their employees. 

If your current technology provider isn’t meeting with you regularly, now is the time to say something! To learn more about QBRs and the partnerships we share with our customers, reach out to one of our business technology consultants today. 

Marissa Olson

A true southerner from Atlanta, Georgia, Marissa has always had a strong passion for writing and storytelling. She moved out west in 2018 where she became an expert on all things business technology-related as the Content Producer at AIS. Coupled with her knowledge of SEO best practices, she's been integral in catapulting AIS to the digital forefront of the industry. In her free time, she enjoys sipping wine and hanging out with her rescue-dog, WIllow. Basically, she loves wine and dogs, but not whiny dogs.