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IT Support: How Desk Organization Promotes Network Security

February 19th, 2025 | 6 min. read

By Marissa Olson


Isn’t it pretty standard for employees' desks to be covered with several different projects throughout the workday? Little do most know that always cluttered workspaces can lead to big problems that could require extensive IT help, such as network security issues. 

Many people might not know that desk organization promotes network security and, by doing so, eliminates your business from needing external IT help if a problem arises. 

A messy desk or cluttered office often goes hand-in-hand with lower productivity and increased stress. Still, desk clutter can also bring about other, more serious issues that affect the entire business. 

The same habits that produce a chronically cluttered desk can lead to dangerous network security oversights.

IT Support: 5 Serious Security Dangers of a Messy Desk


A cluttered desk increases stress and promotes forgetfulness. This could mean documents or sensitive information gets misplaced for indefinite periods. While the problem might seem minor if resolved, a more significant incident is likely lurking. 

There are several situations in which a cluttered desk can undermine network security.

1. Lost documents

Many workers refer to a cluttered desk as "Organized Chaos." This description is rarely accurate. Research shows that employees spend an average of 4.3 hours each week searching for misplaced papers. 

While this lack of production isn't a security risk, the location of those temporarily misplaced documents could be. The protection of data refers to every piece of information that shouldn't be released to the public. 

A piece of paper left visible on the desk could potentially be as damaging as an unsecured network or the absence of a firewall. An unsecured IT or computer network is the kind of IT help you never want to have to get.

        2. Visible Passwords

The constant disorder makes it difficult for the brain to focus, often leading to forgetfulness. Owners of a messy desk are more likely to have trouble recalling passwords and need a visual reminder. 

Post-it notes on a computer screen or a password list are common ways for absent-minded employees to provide the necessary passwords to get through the workday easily. Unfortunately, these "Helpers" make it easy for anyone to gain access to your network and sensitive information.

3. No Shredder

Any business that deals with sensitive information likely has a shredder somewhere in the building and policies on when it should be used. However, it's all too easy to procrastinate regarding proper trash disposal. 

Owners of messy desks are often procrastinators, and trash that was intended to make it to the office shredder might end up crumpled in the trash can (or worse, still on the desk) by the end of the day. 

4. Unsecured Data on Unlocked Devices or Flash Drives

Sensitive information isn't only found on paper. A messy desk is often home to company tablets or flash drives that aren't secured.

As the popularity of data storage via the cloud becomes an obvious business solution, sensitive documents can be accessed in many different ways. 

Careless use of this type of storage could potentially lead to a significant breach of network security. There’s an extensive amount of IT help you’d have to invest your time and money in if a data breach occurs. If we can speak for most businesses, we’ll say no company wants to endure this. 

      5. Unlocked or Disorganized File Cabinets

Many businesses are acutely aware of the need for cybersecurity against online threats and how to block attacks through malicious software.

However, network security must secure data that doesn't begin or end online. Messy offices usually include disorganized or unlocked file cabinets for easy daily accessibility.

Unfortunately, easy access for the employee intended to use the files also means easy access for everyone else. Data protection includes protecting any piece of paper that can be lost or stolen.

Top 5 Ways to Kick the Clutter

While you may protest that a cluttered desk is the product of a creative mind, you don't want to deal with the fallout of a web security oversight. A creative mind has the potential to be even more potent with the functionality of a clean desk. 

If employees in your company are accustomed to working among the clutter, ditching those habits will likely require extra effort. Try these tips to work toward cleaner desks throughout the workplace.

1. Implement a "Clean Desk" Policy

A clean desk policy will dictate the way your employees' desks should appear when they leave for the day. Additional statutes can be set for times when offices will be unattended for a short time. 

A clean desk policy should be put in writing and usually demands that all sensitive material (including documents, notes, removable media, and business cards) be cleared from desks daily.

2. Enforce a Company-wide Shredding Policy

Employees should know exactly how to care for and dispose of sensitive documents. A shredding policy should dictate indexing, retention span, proper destruction, and final disposal. 

Safely shredding documents doesn't merely mean feeding paper into a shredder. For proper security, a file's life cycle and disposal should be documented, and shredded remains should be securely disposed of. 

You may even want to go as far as to create a “digital shredding” policy. Some companies today have all emails older than 30 days automatically purged to decrease their digital footprint and lessen their liability of what their staff has put in writing— or at least make it harder to follow the “digital trail.”

3. Provide the Right Security Equipment

Easy accessibility to shredders makes them more likely to be used. Additionally, for sensitive data to be secure, employees need the proper equipment to get the job done. 

Locking storage for important files, sensitive devices, and temporary possession should be supplied to ensure data breaches don't occur when it's time to dispose of confidential documents. Secured shredding bins should be provided.

4. Try "Hot Desking"

Hot desking is a strategy where employees mostly share all office space. Instead of dedicated desks, employees have the resources they need to complete their jobs in any work area in the space where their job takes place. 

This tactic prevents clean-up procrastination because another employee will use the desk as soon as the next shift or the following day.

5. Get IT Help

Technology has provided companies with seemingly endless convenient ways to share and store secure data. However, as our technology grows, the knowledge of hackers expands as well. 

Hiring a professional IT management company can help you provide network security, email security, and much more, with protection from hackers and secure data backup. In some cases, managed IT services can eliminate the need for an in-house IT department.

The Final Say: Protect Your Business With Clean Workstations

Messy desks and cluttered office space offer the potential for too many problems to crop up within a business. Clean up the issue before pesky production problems grow into significant security dangers.

For more great tips about office products and IT help, visit our Learning Center. Better yet, reach out to us today! 


Marissa Olson

A true southerner from Atlanta, Georgia, Marissa has always had a strong passion for writing and storytelling. She moved out west in 2018 where she became an expert on all things business technology-related as the Content Producer at AIS. Coupled with her knowledge of SEO best practices, she's been integral in catapulting AIS to the digital forefront of the industry. In her free time, she enjoys sipping wine and hanging out with her rescue-dog, WIllow. Basically, she loves wine and dogs, but not whiny dogs.