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Nearing The End of Your Copier Lease? Here's What to Consider

September 5th, 2024 | 5 min. read

By Marissa Olson

Is your copier lease about to expire, and you're still determining what comes next? Well, don’t worry! You're not alone. 

Many businesses find themselves scrambling when their copier lease is coming to an end, unsure whether they should renew, buy out, or upgrade.

With the right information, you can avoid rushed decisions, excessive costs, or equipment that no longer meets your needs.

We at AIS have guided countless businesses through copier lease decisions, helping them optimize both performance and cost.

Before your lease runs out, here are some critical things to consider so you can make the best choice for your company.

Understand Your Current Copier Lease Terms: The Fine Print Matters

First things first—dust off that lease agreement! It might not be your favorite read, but understanding the fine print is crucial to avoiding hidden fees or contract traps.

Copier leases often come with automatic renewals or surprise charges if you don’t notify the provider by a specific date.

For example, a company we worked with had no idea their lease would auto-renew for another three years unless they notified the provider 90 days before the expiration. This little oversight almost cost them thousands in unexpected fees!

Always check key details like buyout options, end-of-term policies, and early termination fees.

Lease Renewal vs. Lease Buyout

Once you’re familiar with the terms, it’s time to ask the big question: Should you renew your lease or buy out the copier?

Renewing your lease can be a hassle-free option, especially if you're happy with the performance of your current copier.

On the flip side, if your business needs have changed or you’re eyeing newer technology, purchasing the copier might be a more strategic choice. However, buying it out means you could be stuck with an older machine that may cost more in maintenance in the long run.

We recommend getting an updated quote for a lease renewal and comparing it to the cost of buying the copier outright.

Assess Your Current Copier Needs: Is Your Copier Still Meeting Your Needs?

Business needs can shift dramatically throughout a copier lease. A once-perfect copier may now be underperforming, primarily if your company has grown or your document handling needs have changed.

Think about your current copier usage:

  • Can it keep up with your print volume?
  • Are there frequent breakdowns or slow performance?
  • Does it offer modern features like cloud connectivity, scanning, or secure printing?

If you answered “no” to any of these, it might be time to consider upgrading. A lagging copier can hurt productivity, leading to downtime or bottlenecks in your workflow.

Costs Beyond the Lease Payment

Another factor to consider is the hidden costs of your current copier. While the lease payments may feel manageable, older machines often have higher maintenance costs, pricier toner, and frequent repairs.

The expenses add up quickly—sometimes far beyond what it would cost to lease a newer, more efficient model.

At AIS, we see businesses make this mistake all the time. They cling to their old copier to avoid leasing a new one, only to find that repair bills eat into their savings. We advise you to compare your current copier’s upkeep cost versus the potential savings of leasing a more modern machine.

Should You Upgrade Your Copier? Technology Advancements in Copiers

If your current copier is outdated, you’ll likely miss out on fantastic technological advancements.

Copiers have advanced greatly in recent years, offering cloud integration, mobile printing, advanced security features, and workflow automation. These innovations can significantly streamline document management and reduce manual workloads.

Upgrading your copier can also improve collaboration. For example, cloud-enabled copiers allow team members to print from anywhere or access documents remotely. This is especially helpful for businesses with hybrid or remote workforces.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

Another reason to upgrade your copier is energy efficiency. Newer machines are designed with sustainability in mind, often using less energy and producing less waste.

Many businesses aim to reduce their environmental footprint, and choosing an eco-friendly copier is a great way to support those efforts.

Older machines typically consume more energy and require more frequent maintenance, which increases costs. We’ve seen businesses cut their energy bills and make a positive environmental impact by upgrading their copiers to energy-efficient models.

Copier Leasing vs. Purchasing: What’s Best for Your Business?

Leasing is a popular option for businesses for a reason. It allows companies to stay updated with the latest copier technology without the hefty upfront cost of purchasing a new machine.

Leasing also helps with cash flow by breaking down the expenses into manageable monthly payments. Plus, you can upgrade at the end of the lease, so you’re never stuck with an obsolete machine.

Leasing is beneficial for businesses with growing or unpredictable printing needs. As your company expands, your copier needs may evolve, and leasing gives you the flexibility to upgrade without affecting your budget.

When Purchasing Makes Sense

On the other hand, purchasing your copier might make more sense if your printing needs are stable and predictable. Buying a copier can be wise if your company has long-term stability and prefers to own its assets outright.

However, it’s essential to factor in the cost of maintenance and repairs, which can become a burden as the machine ages.

For some businesses, purchasing also means they avoid the commitment of long-term leasing agreements.

Choosing the Right Copier Leasing Partner: What to Look for in a Lease Provider

Choosing the right provider can make all the difference if you decide to lease. You’ll want a leasing partner who offers transparent terms, is responsive when issues arise, and provides flexibility for your business as it grows.

Be wary of providers who hide fees in the fine print or lock you into restrictive contracts.

Importance of Ongoing Support

When you lease a copier, it’s not just about the machine—it’s about the support that comes with it. Your copier is critical to your office infrastructure, and any downtime can seriously disrupt your workflow.

That’s why it’s essential to choose a leasing partner that offers ongoing support, from regular maintenance to swift problem resolution.

We’ve worked with businesses that faced significant downtime due to poor service from their previous lease provider.

Wrapping Up: Setting You Up for Success When Nearing The End of Your Lease

As your copier lease nears its end, now is the perfect time to evaluate your options carefully. Whether you choose to renew, upgrade, or purchase, making an informed decision can save you time, money, and frustration.

At AIS, we’ve been helping businesses make the right copier decisions for years. Contact us today, and let us guide you through this process with our expert advice and tailored solutions.

Marissa Olson

A true southerner from Atlanta, Georgia, Marissa has always had a strong passion for writing and storytelling. She moved out west in 2018 where she became an expert on all things business technology-related as the Content Producer at AIS. Coupled with her knowledge of SEO best practices, she's been integral in catapulting AIS to the digital forefront of the industry. In her free time, she enjoys sipping wine and hanging out with her rescue-dog, WIllow. Basically, she loves wine and dogs, but not whiny dogs.