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Can IT Support Increase Productivity?

February 16th, 2016 | 7 min. read

By Monique Phalen

Can IT support increase productivity?

Are you interested in how IT support can increase productivity. Did you know your employees could be working harder just by giving them more IT support tools? Crazy, right? Not really… It actually makes a lot of sense.

Providing your employees with more IT support is not as big of a challenge as you might think and it’s a pretty smart thing to do to increase the productivity at your business.

The only battle you will need to face is getting your staff to learn new tools. Many times you will find some of your employees are not adaptable or interested in learning new technology. Or, they can’t see the benefits of new tools.


Not only is IT support a smart thing to do for your business, but a relatively easy thing to implement as well. As long as you’re dedicated to helping your employees and interested in learning new (and better) ways to do things, you’re going to like what you’re about to read.


Whether your company is staffed with 6 employees or 2,000, increasing the way you and your employees manage and use IT support should be of high importance.


A small business may not have the scope or scale to facilitate an in-house IT department, but all companies, regardless of size or focus, can benefit from IT support. Even with a small business, if you look at resources long-term, you can realize the cost benefits of even the smallest efficiencies. They all add up. Outsourced IT can actually save your business money. When you consider all the costs with IT support personnel. These include: labor, training (licenses and accreditations), insurance, etc.


Don’t forget the caliber and knowledge base you will be able to tap into of support staff you will have access when outsourcing to a larger IT support organization.


And get this- your business can even cover the costs of outsourced IT support through elevated profits and savings from increased productivity and optimized uptime inside the business. Meaning that, the more you invest in IT support, the more money it brings into your business. You really can’t go wrong!


We’ve come up with a list for you that truly shows how great IT support can be for your business, especially if you’re serious about increasing your office productivity. Check it out!

IT Professional Always On Staff: Remote Desktop Connections

One of the most significant benefits of having an IT person on staff is that he or she can help other employees overcome computer troubles at their personal workstations.


However, an IT professional doesn’t necessarily require physical access to provide this kind of support. Using a remote desktop connection, your IT professional can fix workstation problems and even provide software training remotely.


This may seem a little too new-age for you, but believe us, having your IT support from a remote location has become a prevalent thing businesses started implementing.

Think about it like this: Have you ever heard of a marketing department using outside consultants to help them with their PR or marketing strategies? Probably so.


Many companies, maybe even yours, outsource some of their marketing needs to marketing agencies in hopes to better implement their campaigns and strategies. Why should this be any different for your IT department?


Take a look at an article we published on the 5 Benefits of an Outsourced Help Desk. This is an excellent read if you are interested in learning more about the advantages of having an outsourced IT support team.

Make Everyone Remote: Provide Employees with Remote Access

Another great way your business can help with employee productivity is by giving them access to their workstations and your network (or cloud) wherever they are and, at any time.


IT support can set up your network and computers so that your employees have remote access via their smartphones, tablets, laptops and even other desktop PCs.


This gives workers who travel, or ones that work out of their home, better access to the resources they need. Giving all employees remote access to your business network automatically gives them access to all of the documents they need to be productive.


Think about a time when you were sick with a cold and had to take a sick day so that you wouldn’t come to work and spread your germs.


If you had remote access to work from home while you were sick, wouldn’t you have done it?

Not only does it save you sick days, but also allows you to still get your job done. It’s a win-win.


This is all about providing access and convenience. Accessibility to your business and convenience to your staff to interact with your business on their terms. This little effort will do wonders for productivity.


Still not sold on this? CNBC recently published an article you might enjoy that goes a little more in-depth on the advantages of working remotely, Billionaire Richard Branson: 3 Reasons You Should Let Your Employees Work Remotely.  

Optimize Uptime with 24-Hour Emergency Services

Most companies, even small businesses, require their networks to be up 24/7. Downtime can result in reduced employee productivity and even lost sales to online customers. Most outsourced IT businesses have online monitoring tools and alert systems to increase reaction times and minimize downtime due to outages.


Let’s face it; there is nothing worse than your office network going down, making your employees unable to access the documents they need to do their job. A great IT support company is available around-the-clock, to ensure your network stays up and functional at all hours of the day.


This is pretty important if we factor in the number of employees you might have working remotely. What if these employees are in different time zones? Just because a network issue occurs later in the evening doesn’t mean it goes unnoticed.


Sometimes you or your employees might not know of an IT issue that is currently present. Your IT professional could resolve the issue from affecting your network before you even knew it existed. Talk about productivity!


Also, to avoid the big costs that are sometimes associated with impromptu after-hours service calls, a great IT support company will offer you a service contract.


We’ve published another great article on service contracts and agreements that we think you’d benefit from reading, 8 Tips and Tenets for Service Level Agreements. This article gives excellent insight on what to look for in a contract to get the most out of your IT support services.

The Future of IT Support: Making Futureproof Choices with IT Consultations

We understand that making purchasing choices for your business (especially when it comes to technology) can be challenging. A lot of technology nowadays is a lot more challenging than before and probably seems a bit unfamiliar to you as well.


Companies that provide IT support are also available for IT consultations. This should be great news for you to read. IT consultations provide you with guidance and resources to help you make the best IT decisions for your company, either on-demand or on an ongoing basis.


All you have to do is make the first step and reach out to someone. The second you decide IT support is essential for your business growth and development, the more you’ll gain from your employees as well as your customers, too.


If you are still managing your IT department, consider downloading and reading our FREE eBook, Are You Doing a Good Job Managing Your IT? This eBook helps to discover the 7 questions you need to ask yourself about your IT infrastructure and how you could be hurting your business by managing your IT yourself.

At AIS, we’re always focused on the bigger picture when it comes to our clients and their needs. Even if we don’t currently serve you, we are still here to give you valuable resources that helps your business grow while helping your employees become more productive. We want to see your business succeed, and we are continually learning, researching, and publishing tools for you to use when making big decisions such as IT support. If you’d like to schedule a meeting or consultation with one of our IT experts, or an IT Risk Assessment, contact us here. Let AIS show you how office technology can provide you with peace of mind, helping you win more business.


Blog Article Updated: 7/17/18

Monique Phalen

Mo is the resident IT go-to lady at AIS. She has traveled the world, run a marathon, is a self-proclaimed crossword champion, and can do ventriloquism. She has an uncanny memory ....down to the detail. She has completed 4 half marathons and hates running. In her free time, she likes to spend time with her 7 siblings and 20 nieces and nephews.